The price per session varies based upon the location, whether you are a member and whether you are paying for an adult or junior to join the session.
Lake Sessions
Lake Sessions
£10 for non-members
£5 for adult members
£3 for junior members
Pool Sessions
Pool Sessions
£10 for non-members (members guests)
£5 for adult members
£5 for junior members
£10 non-members
'Come and Try' Sessions
'Come and Try' Sessions
£10 for a pool 'come and try' session (members guests)
£10 for a pool session non-members (with instruction)
£10 for a lake 'come and try' session
How to book
How to book
Club members receive an email with a booking link allowing them to book their session through the Paddle UK website.
Non-members can contact us through the email account.
This helps us ensure we can make sure we can manage numbers safely.